Weekly Online Mindfulness Sessions

Weekly Online Mindfulness sessions have been designed in such a way where a person could connect every week from his or her place in a live online mindfulness session, which helps to heal emotionally and physically every week with DhyanuShri Ji. These sessions are open to all.

When an individual frequency goes below a certain level, the individual manifests a disease. At higher frequencies, the individual experiences excellent health. AYS Mindfulness weekly session is the delicate but powerful art of sanitization at etheric level in this period of Pandemic.
By detoxifying the patient of an individual, emotional, and etheric toxins and raising cellular frequencies, it is possible to achieve a cure. This online mindfulness session is that which gives you deep rest. Weekly Online Mindfulness practice is not a luxury but a necessity. To be unconditionally happy and vibrant to have peace of mind & health, we need to tap into the power of meditation.

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