Ancient Himalayan Siddha Healing
A simple yet powerful process through which one can become receptive to the grace of Mother-Father of the Universe and bring forth the dimension of devotion from within.
Ancient Himalayan Siddha Healing
A simple yet powerful process through which one can become receptive to the grace of Mother-Father of the Universe and bring forth the dimension of devotion from within.

What is Siddha Healing ?

“Siddha” literally means “one who is accomplished”. It refers to perfected Himalayan Yogis who have achieved a high degree of physical as well as spiritual perfection or enlightenment. It’s an Ancient Himalayan Healing program graced by Yogacharya DhyanuShri Aishwarya Ji, who belongs to ancient himalayan yogi lineage. In this introductory yet powerful initiation persons learn a basic fundamental of healing modalities through a celestial sound of the universe and experience the divine state of mind.

The sadhana or session starts during early Uttarayana, when the sun’s run shifts to the northern hemisphere, a time conducive for spiritual receptivity.

Why Siddha Healing?

  • Enhance your receptivity to divinity.
  • Get initiated into special practices and discipline to deepen your bond with Nature.
  • Attaining good health by regular 20 minutes practice of Siddha Healing.
  • By detoxifying the person of physical, emotional, and etheric toxins and raising cellular frequencies, it is possible to achieve a cure.
  • Strengthening the stamina and physical body as good health is a basic pillar for higher spiritual growth. 
  • Based on quantum physics, all matter is made up of energy and energy is made up of vibrations.
  • The human body is capable of producing the medicine needed for a cure from within, at healthy frequencies which could be attained by AYS’s Life Force Energy Healing Modalities.

Guidelines to follow during the Session period:

Detailed instructions will be given during the initiation session. Here are a few important points to keep in mind during the sadhana period:

  • During the sadhana period, smoking, consuming alcohol and eating non-vegetarian food must be avoided for better results in healing.
  • Have only 2 meals a day. The first meal should be after 12 noon.
  • White or light-colored clothing should preferably be worn.
  • Person can use a chair to sit with comfort.
  • Must have a woolen cloth mat to sustain the energy during the meditations, if using a chair then use two woolen matts or carpet: one should be on a chair and second under the feets. 
  • One Water bottle to energize it during the healing,Sadhak can also put their regular medicines near them during sessions to energize them.

Why sign up?

Stabilizes the body and mind

Cleanses the whole system both physically and energetically

Improves sleep quality

Helps boost the immune system

Helps to experience powerful meditative states

Explores deeper dimensions of Yoga